Good Design Award

Good Design Award is a comprehensive and annual program for the evaluation and commendation of design, organized by Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JDP).
Its origin was "Good Design Selection System" established in 1957 by Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
Since then, it has been given to approximately 40,000 outstanding designs for more than 55 years.


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Good Design Award is a comprehensive and annual program for the evaluation and commendation of design, organized by Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JDP). Its origin was "Good Design... mehr erfahren »
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Good Design Award

Good Design Award is a comprehensive and annual program for the evaluation and commendation of design, organized by Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JDP).
Its origin was "Good Design Selection System" established in 1957 by Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
Since then, it has been given to approximately 40,000 outstanding designs for more than 55 years.


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